Membership Fees:
$200/year Bank members $275/year
Affiliate members Call 515-453-1495
or email us with questions. Stay Connected.
The Leaders of Tomorrow (LOT) is a program created by the Community Bankers of Iowa to enhance the growth, leadership, and networking skills of future banking leaders.
LOT establishes a network of leaders who serve and strengthen their communities and advocate for the community banking industry. Educate.
The program includes Business Meetings and an Annual Leadership Development Conference held each year in Des Moines. Speakers at the quarterly meetings and Conference address timely topics in the banking industry, leadership development, and best practices. LOT meetings are designed to encourage brainstorming discussions with peers, asking questions, and problem solving. LOT also sponsors an annual Scholarship Program. Develop.
LOT members’ leadership and management skills are developed throughout the program by listening to presentations from renowned motivational and business speakers, and by taking on LOT committee responsibilities. Active committees include: Scholarship, Up and Coming Banker of the Year, and Leadership Development Conference. Committees meet at the end of each quarterly meeting and hold conference calls on an as-needed basis. |